Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

ID/TL-M project with ST Microelectronics

Participants : Charles André, Robert de Simone, Benoît Ferrero, Jean-François Le Tallec.

ID/TL-M is a project launched as part of the larger nano 2012 programme conducted by ST Microlectronics in Rhône-Alpes. Its main goal is to study the potential use of model-driven engineering techniques (MDE) for Electronic System-Level Design (ESL) of Systems-on-Chip (SoC).

In particular we focused this year on the relations and connexions between UML MARTE profile and the other standard IP-XACT, itself introduced as dedicated Architecture Description Language (ADL) for easy assembly of IP hardware components. One advantage here of MARTE in our view is that it is meant to be extendable to comprise Non-Functional Property annotations, such as consumption for low-power, in a much more open and larger setting as the extensions under way at Accelera (the IP-XACT standardisation body which recently merged with OSCI, the Open SystemC Initiative).

The direct collaboration in ID/TL-M allows implementations of tools and methods whose general descriptions aresomehow shared with the neighboring ANR project HeLP (see below). Nevertheless, due to external reasons of political nature, funding of the general nano2012 programme was halted in 2011, and this project was consequently put on stand-by.